Everybody has good and bad times. You can’t expect every single day of your life to be happy. We go through different situations, often on a rollercoaster of emotions. However, there isn’t always a reason for these significant mood changes. This can sometimes be due to hormones. However, frequent highs and lows could point to a more serious condition, such as bipolar disorder. How do you know if you’re bipolar, or if you’re just feeling down? Read on to find out - you can also look at http://www.bipolar-lives.com/bipolar-depression-symptoms.html for more advice.


Depression is something that many people suffer with. Sometimes there’s a cause, and sometimes there isn’t. This is largely due to an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. However, those who have bipolar will experience it much differently to others.

Mania & Depression

Many bipolar sufferers will also deal with something called mania. Knowing whether it is depression or bipolar means noticing the absence or presence of mania. Symptoms that both depression and bipolar sufferers may experience include:

- Feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness.
- Lethargy.
- No interest in things that once mattered a lot to them.
- Changes in appetite, sleep, and focus.
- Withdrawal from friends and family.
- A decline in personal hygiene.
- Crying.
- Finding it too difficult to get out of bed.

Episodes of mania in bipolar people can last for 1 week. If mania is absent, then you need to get treatment for depression. If mania is present, then treatment for bipolar is required. A correct diagnosis is crucial, since the differences in medication and treatments can be staggering and noticeable. The common symptoms of a manic episode include:

- Needing little to no sleep.
- Talking a lot.
- Feeling unhibited.
- Having racing thoughts.

After you have experienced mania you might feel depressed and ashamed of your behavior. You may feel unable to manage the commitments that you’ve made. You will often feel very happy and euphoric during mania, able to solve the world’s problems on your own. Due to this, you might feel disconnected with others. They may even irritate you as they struggle to understand and try to calm you down. Many sufferers end up falling out with people they are close to during a manic episode.

There are many other things to consider when finding out if you are bipolar. You can use the information below to help you further.

Natalie Martin
Company: Bipolar Lives
Address: 401 E. Jackson St, Suite 2340, Tampa, FL 33602
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.bipolar-lives.com/