A well known obstetrician and gynaecologist, Dr Wong Yoke Meng was chosen as the anti aging directorof Clinique Suisse in Indonesia. He is a specialist in his field with more than 30 years of experience. Hi finished his medical specialist degree from the National University of Singapore (NUS) with a bachelors degree in medicine and surgery. 

“After I graduated, I proceed with specialization in obstetrician and gynaecology field”, said Dr Wong Yoke Meng. He then became a medical practinioner at the National University hospital and worked also as a consultant in the KK Hospital’s OBGYN department for women and children. Few years later and you joined the private sector practicing his specialty. 

About Dr Wong Yoke Meng 

He has years of experience in a private medical practice and helped women in achieving a good medical and health performance in their lives. “I havea strong belief that in medical practice, every patient should acquire holistic treatment and it should not be limited to the incorporation of anti-aging medicine Into the practice”, said Dr Wong. As a result, it will benefit all his patiens well being and overall health performane. 

Dr Wong Yoke Meng has a vast experience in treating and handling all people, both men and women. He got this from his vast 30 years of experience in the business. Most commong problems his patient are facing are andropause, menopaus, peri menopaus and other menopause conditions. He was able to restore back the confidence of his clients 

A Celebrated Public Speaker 

Aside from his medical practice, Dr Wong Yoke Meng is also a celebrated speaker in the area of anti-aging. He was invited to various speaking engagement in which some are held outside Singapore. He is also an advocate of anti-aging technology and it’s inclusion in the medical practice. 

For further information visit www.drwongyokemeng.com 

Media Contact:
Dr Wong Yoke Meng
Anti Aging Advisor
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://www.drwongyokemeng.com

Clinique Suisse
Wisma Kyoei Prince, 6th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 3
Jakarta 10220
T: 021-5790 5890
F: 021-5790 5891