5 September, 2013: For those who are operating as a single owner driver and looking to be able to quickly and efficiently scan listings, organise and book return loads, it has never been easier than now. By taking advantage of the expert services provided by haulage exchange companies like the aptly named Haulage Exchange, owner drivers, once subscribed, can quickly get on the site and start matching up their haulage space to the loads that are available in the areas that are convenient for the drivers to travel.
With over thirty thousand loads coming through the site per month, there is no way that an owner driver can miss out on the perfect opportunity to fill a return journey and eliminate any dead mileage on the road. By making use of the platform offered by Haulage Exchange, drivers can quickly search and sort out the types of loads they want to be working with. The simple scrolling mechanism makes it easy to understand and navigate, while the abundance of jobs ensures that every trip is a money earner for the owner drivers.
One of the longest lasting and most beneficial aspects of working with a haulage exchange company is the ability to grow relationships with other clients. It is this trustworthy network of business deals and posted jobs that is vital to creating a network of professionals who can use the site to help their businesses function more efficiently. Included in this aspect of building a trustworthy network is the potential to rate and give individual feedback on both the drivers and those who are having the loads shifted from point A to point B. This rating system is simply the icing on the cake of a well-oiled system that serves to make life as an owner driver that much easier.
About the Company:
Begun in 1999, Haulage Exchange is a haulage specialist-platform that helps drivers, businesses, and customers get int touch and get loads moved. Its brilliant interface makes it easy to navigate and book jobs. Visit them at http://www.haulageexchange.co.uk/ .
For Media Contact:
Haulage Exchange
BV2, The Perfume Factory,
140 Wales Farm Road,
W3 6UG
United Kingdom
020 8896 6725