03 December, 2013: Now that the economy is on the up, there is no better time to buy and sell and move and shift, and there are few transport companies that are as well equipped and nationally respected as Haulage Exchange. And now, not only is the company the one to go to for drivers and those looking for hauliers to move their loads, but Haulage Exchange was one of the proud sponsors of the 2013 Motor Transport Awards (MTAs) and will be reprising its role at the upcoming 2014 awards, thus cementing its place at the top of the haulage arena.

The Motor Transport Awards are the Oscars of the transport world and seek to recognise achievements in the industry, innovation, service, efficiency, and overall quality, and as such are the most prestigious awards in the haulage exchange world. The 2013 awards was the 28th award ceremony and brought in the best of the best to recognise their achievements.

Part of this grand event is the sponsors, who are the industry leaders in their fields. Haulage Exchange, who sponsored the Innovation Award, stood alongside stalwarts like Bridgestone and Izuzu as representatives of the most respected in the industry. One of the best aspects of Haulage Exchange being a sponsor of the 2013 Motor Transport Awards is the knock on benefit that comes to those who use their services to find loads and those who use it to get things moved.

With the higher level of company visibility that comes with such sponsorship opportunities, there has been an increase in hauliers signing up to their service, which provides haulage exchange of all shapes and sizes. This means that for the punters who need things moved, there is much more potential of getting a suitable match to carry out the work to the exact specifications.

To learn more about how MTA Innovation Award sponsor, Haulage Exchange, can help sort out any haulage needs, contact them or visit their website and sign up.

About the Company:

Established in 1999, Haulage Exchange is a transport exchange company that connects loads with hauliers. To learn more about this MTA sponsor and what they can do for you, visit their website at www.haulageexchange.co.uk .

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