09, September 2014: Road To Financial Freedom: How To Cash In On Non-Emergency Transportation of People in Need with Your Regular Car, a new ebook pointing persons needing a job now or a smart way to earn a full-time income even on a part-time basis, has been released. It promised people they could start making serious cash without going back to school to learn a new skill, marketing to find clients, or buying expensive equipment.
Available online at http://www.transporting1.com., the ebook, written by author Chris Dun, reveals over 11 companies looking to hire people to transport patients to medical appointments using their own cars.
Explaining the reason behind his claim, Dun noted that in people’s back yard, there were companies just waiting to hire them. “As long as you have a well-working, clean vehicle, you can be part of the private transportation industry without getting a CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) or investing in a limo or taxicab,” said Dun.
In the “Road To Financial Freedom”, the author explained how people could make a ton of cash working in the non-emergency transportation sector, thus revealing among other things, the following:
- 5 Ways to Increase Your Revenue
- The 2-Letter Word Holding You back (And it’s not “No!”)
- How to Get Paid Even if You DON’T Give a Client a Ride
- The 13 simple, realistic responsibilities you have as an PNEMT driver
- How to Have a Friend Go On the Road to Financial Freedom with You
- The 9 and Only 9 Simple Vehicle Standards Your Car Must Meet
- The One Time NEVER to Drive Your Client Anywhere (The Answer Will Surprise You)
“And most importantly, the book contains everything you need to have the 11 professional partners bring you new leads, new business, and new opportunities. Besides, it will help you overcome your limitations and awaken your inner power,” said Dun.
He also assured people they would only be on the Road to Financial Freedom, but that they would be making a huge positive difference in their community, something that would make them feel great inside about.
This completely recession proof, high paying business system, according to Dun, is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but the road to financial freedom. “How you travels it determines just how quickly you’ll reach your destination. And, the only way to reach it is to get started today, so go ahead and order now,” said Dunning.
For further information about the “Road To Financial Freedom: How To Cash In On Non-Emergency Transportation of People in Need with Your Regular Car”, visit: http://www.transporting1.com.
For Media Contact:
Chris Dun
Tel: 1-888-582-3390
Email: [email protected]