Birmingham, UK; 14, March 2015: There are many people who may have an anxiety disorder due to one or another reason. People suffering from panic attacks or undergoing different types of worries and phobias need to consult an experienced psychiatrist for an effective treatment to their problem. In Birmingham, Dr Syed Omair Ahmed is a reputed Consultant Psychiatrist who claims to offer effective depression treatment at his Your Mind Clinic for people to lead a fear-free and happy life.

Dr. Ahmed maintains that as soon as someone detects the signs of depression, he or she should not delay to consult a psychiatrist. He states, “There are proven therapies to help overcome mental problems effectively. You need not to lead a miserable life with fear and anxiety.” He has treated many sufferers and has come across several unusual cases. However, he feels that the first step to cure a mental problem is to realize that there is a problem and then muster the courage to visit a psychiatrist. He states, “Your Mind Clinic could be the starting point for your anxiety treatment.”

Every day Dr. Ahmed sees several patients in his clinic and creates a friendly atmosphere for them to frankly discuss the problem. He can fluently speak in English, Hindi and Urdu languages and deals with patients coming from different cultures or social backgrounds. He believes in understanding the problems first, before recommending any therapy. According to him, each problem could be different, and thus requires treatments specific to the problem. He particularly specializes in the cognitive behavioral therapy and recommends several kinds of tools, tips and techniques that can boost one’s mental health.

Research shows that there are therapies that are the most effective in the post traumatic treatment and can eliminate the symptoms of anxiety in a gradual process. Dr. Ahmed endeavors to uncover the causes of the trauma or worries, so that a suitable therapy can be planned for the sufferer to come out of his/her mental condition. To learn more about Dr. Ahmed and his Your Mind Clinic, one may visit the website

About Dr Syed Omair Ahmed:

Dr Ahmed is a qualified Consultant Psychiatrist, who is trained at the university in Birmingham in 2000. He has years of experience serving different hospitals throughout Birmingham and then starting his Your Mind Clinic. Dr Ahmed offers treatment and therapies in various fields, including general psychiatry, liaison psychiatry and cultural psychiatry.

For Media Contact:
Contact Person: Dr Syed Omair Ahmed
Telephone: 0845 257 2177