Celebstoner has announced an easy to use dry herb vaporizer in the market. They aim to target those set of people who wants to enjoy the herb vaporizer when they are on the go. Totally portable and easy to carry around, this dry herb vaporizer can be fitted into a pocket easily. Those who want to have a stoning experience can very well get one of this vaporizer which is absolutely dry and gives the total thrill. Celebstoner has come up with the advance built for this vaporizer and even the temperature control of this gadget can be done with smart phone remote which is cool. Another distinct thing about this vaporizer is that it both manual and automatic for functioning.
The dry herb vaporizer found in celebstoner is totally mess free and dry. Operated by a remote, the app in the gadgets can be controlled with a smart phone too. For example the temperature can be controlled with the help of a remote operated through a Smartphone. The liquid refill comes in cartridges and is sealed with the best technique so that the user gets to use it without any spills. There are buttons to start up the gadgets and timer to set the minutes.
Celebstoner claims that this vaporizer can last for a very long time because of the strong battery backup. There is a portable charger and the battery gives a red blink alert when it comes low. Highly known for its last product called volcano, this new gadget is modeled in such a way to make sniffing easier. They come in a very neat pack and can be stored away in deep compact after every usage as there are no chances of spillage. This dry herb vaporizer comes with a free grinder from celebstoner store. This offer is limited or till the stock last. For more information please go to http://www.celebstoner.com/reviews/products/2015/01/18/three-top-portable-dry-herb-vaporizers/
About Celebstoner
Celebstoner provides high end dry vaporizer for weed lovers. They are totally natural herb products and supplies all over the world market.
Dallas, Texas