The online personal loans company Lots a Lolly have announced that they are to branch out into the virtual office arena by offering a mailbox service.
While the UK has seen an increased pressure applied to short term loan lenders and small loan firms, have weathered the storm and have now announced that they plan to offer customers’ the ability to consolidate all their mail into one easy to manage address.
The company hopes that this will help the small business community in and around Brighton and Hove, where they are based, while offering a cost-effective solution to the problem of a UK based business or personal address to receive mail.
James Lewis from the online loan broker said;
“We have seen that our customers’ have more requirements than simply taking out a loan. What came up time and again was the need for a truly affordable mail-box service that not only served the community but enhanced it to some degree.
Our instalment loan service is still in good demand but we feel that by adding these services we will move in a new direction that will enhance the overall business model.”
The last year has been a rocky one for many payday lenders in the UK, with the knock-on effect being felt by all those in the personal finance industry. Tighter regulation and more scrutiny about lending practices has left more and more firms withdrawing from the sector.
Mr Lewis continued; “Loans needn’t be demonised as they have been over the last year and a bit. If customers’ are upfront about what they can afford and do not mis-represent the state of their finances then trouble is easily avoided.”
Lewis advises all those that are under undue financial strain to contact a service such as the Citizens Advice Bureau. This is a Government funded organisation that can help those facing debt problems.
Lots a Lolly offer a loan matching service where they pair the application details of applicants with those of the leading lenders in the UK. Loans of any amount up to £2000 are available and all loans are deposited directly to the bank accounts of the borrowers’.
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