Oroton is a well-known brand of luxury leather handbags in Australia. They are famous for their top class leather handbags and other leather accessories. Oroton brand is the property of Oroton group, which is a Sydney based public listed, famous multinational company. There are more than 80 Oroton stores across five countries.
Leather handbags made at Oroton are very famous in Australia and four other countries where Oroton has its branches. Beside leather handbags and accessories, there are many other fashion accessories available at the stores because Oroton philosophy involves combining the latest fashion with expert craftsmanship. Their design philosophy is to make trendy and timeless handbags.
Recently, Oroton has announced an up to 50% on their items. Many beautiful designs of handbags are available at discounted prices. The reason to start this sale was to let the customers know that they are important to us and if someone likes an expensive bag, it can be now bought at half the price.
This sale is online, on their website. You won’t be able to find the sale on their outlets and selected styles. You just have to open our homepage and the first thing to appear there will be the 50% off sale offer. Because of the sale, many great designs were sold immediately, so you have to hurry. This sale has just started, but it will end soon.
Along with trendy and luxury leather handbags, there are many things available for men and women. There are watches for both men and women. Wallets for men. Shoes for both genders. Apparels for women are also very trendy and according to the latest fashion. Apparels include all kinds of wearables for women including dresses, jackets, shorts, shirts, tops and wraps. There are also some great jewelry options.
Oroton Group has always been dedicated to provide their customers with the best possible services and products. It was established in 1938 as a fashion textile importer and later emerged as a leading luxury accessories brand. The design philosophy of Oroton made it famous and Oroton Group expanded to five other countries beside Australia. There are more than 80 outlets of Oroton distributed over 5 countries, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and China. Recently, beside their own brand, Oroton Group has been leading distributor of Brooks Brothers and Gap.
Contact Details:
Level 2, 409 George Street
Waterloo, NSW, 2017
URL: http://www.oroton.com.au/
Australia Phone #: 1800 061 047
New Zealand Phone #: 0800 OROTON
International Customers: +61 2 8275 5500