Permanent birth control for women is a choice, and for others it is a medical necessity. Currently there are several methods of permanent birth control methods that prove to be effective, in preventing pregnancy. Tubal ligation is one method of sterilization that involves tying, clipping or burning the ends of the fallopian tubes. This method is successful in preventing the egg from entering the uterus, where it has the possibility of being fertilized. The procedure used to perform this method of sterilization is called electro-cauterization.

Years ago, this procedure was performed vaginally, and recovery time took weeks or even months. Today there are safer alternatives to the traditional tubal ligation. There are currently three types of tubal ligations that can be performed.

A minilaparotomy is done within a 48-hour period after the mother has given birth. This procedure takes an average of up to 20 minutes to complete. This procedure requires no major surgery and can done while the patient is under local anesthesia. This method of permanent sterilization for women have been preferred more so than oral contraceptives.

The second type of tubal ligation is the laparoscopic. It involves placing carbon dioxide inside the abdomen, by means of a small incision. This procedure requires the delicate hands of especially skilled doctors, due to the use of special surgical equipment. The recovery time is quicker and fewer complications are expected. The time frame allocated for this procedure is ten minutes. The fallopian tubes are fused with a laser or other electro device, and tied off with clips or bands.

The third type of tubal sterilization is the laparoscopy. This procedure is evasive, and is normally performed after a cesarean delivery. This type of surgery allows the doctor more freedom, and more room to perform this procedure. Due to the fact that the fallopian tubes are more visible.

Hysteroscopic sterilization is a method of permanent birth control that can be performed on an outpatient basis. A small thin tube is inserted into the opening of the fallopian tubes through the vagina to prevent pregnancy. This mild procedure has minimal side effects and the down time expected after this procedure is 24 hours. Several months after the surgery an imaging x-ray may be required to verify the accurate position of the device.

Essure is a method of sterilization that many women are clinging to. The procedure involves no surgery, no use of lasers, and no altering of the fallopian tubes. This method is more than 99% effective, requires no anesthesia, and no hormonal shots. Inserts, which are silicone free, are placed inside the fallopian tubes to block the onset of pregnancy, by preventing the egg from reaching the uterus. Essure can be done in the doctor's office in about 10 minutes or less. Doctors, which are trained to perform the Essure procedures should be consulted prior to picking any doctor. For more information please visit


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Essure Lawsuit and Side Effects