07, November 2016: Open Minds (http://www.open-minds.it/) is glad to present a new training course for English teachers, focusingon specific techniques for teaching the L2 to students with dyslexia and LD.
Open Minds is an English school that has always dealt with methodology and research concerning innovative educational materials for language teaching, with the specific purpose of providing a concrete support to face all the difficulties connected to learning disabilities.
Dyslexia is a condition that must not be overestimated, nor underestimated. Thanks to a series of activities to manage memory and learn how to study effectively — like the loci technique, the text analysis to approacha reading pass as well as several games for learning and memorizing new vocabulary — English can be learnt facing all those econcrete difficulties deriving from non transparent phonetics. Even belying the prejudice according to which those who suffer from dyslexia can’t learn foreign languages.
This training course, addressing primary and middle school teachers, is recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education in accor dance with law 90/2003.
The aims of thise training course, which can be attended either in person or on-line, are:
-To raise awareness of all those educational practices that make learning easier (not only for dyslexic students, as every one can benefit from the strategies that will be taught)
-To present materials specifically designed to teach phonetics to children
The course also has the ambitious purpose of making teachers aware of another series of issues that can negatively impact learning. Not everyone knows, infact, that a wrong posture, an underdevelopment of back muscles, and eyesight problems can result in concentration, memory and comprehension problems.
That’s why, during the course, postural exercises and games that stimulate the kids’ visual abilities will also be mentioned: not only can these good practices be used in class with an educational and preventive aim to everyone’s benefit, but also they can be specifically useful for children who suffer from learning disabilities.
Thanks to the partnership with the VTHT association, where visual therapist actively collaborate with speech therapists, psychologists and teachers, Open Minds also offers teachers and schools a method of visual education that specifically addresses preschool and first grade students.
Visual education is still a pioneer science in Italy, but it’s already well established in Spain and in the United States. Its methodology on the application of good posture, the research for good space orienteering, and the development of a higher awareness of one’s body, as well as on the ability to hold a pen correctly and on the improve mentofone overall vision. These abilities are extremely precious and educators absolutely mustn’t underestimate them, since their incomplete orpartial development could cause attention and learning disordereficits.
The English language visual education program also includes an animated short film called “Otto the baby eagle”, which will teach children both the fundamental concepts of the English language and at the same time the good postural habits to follow. This way, children, thisway, will learn while having fun, helping the baby eagle fly, and gradually learning approaching new motor movements and games aimed learning the language, while memorizinge and activatinge the abilities they learnt.
Open Minds has been teaching English to children with difficulties and learning disabilitie for years. With the initiatives (the training course “Teaching English to dyslexic children” and “Otto the baby eagle” visual education program), OpenMinds continues its rsearch on this innovative and gratifying path, to raise awareness of the psychological benefits that result from learning foreign languages.
Learning a language is a journey that helps our brain work well and improves our way of approaching reality: every one can benefit from this.
For Media Contact:
Open Minds English School
Director: Claudia Adamo
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 02 671658091
Website: http://www.open-minds.it/