14, October 2014: Carly Thornton, world renowned sports enthusiast and UK-based body building champion is the most recent fitness icon to sign on to professionally endorse the Mammoth mattress company.
As one of the most talented female body builders of her time, Carly was in search for the perfect way to successfully recover from her grueling workouts and training regimen.
Carly recited her workout routine recently on Mammoth’s official site as follows:
“My training changes depending on how far out I am from the show and how my body is looking. I always train heavy but I start with weights four times a week and this slowly progresses to six days a weeks to increase calorie output. I also do some cardio work. I work out stringently sometimes 3-4 hours a day depending on the timing of my next competition and how my body is responding to my training performance.”
Although she had the diet, workouts, and competitions perfected, there was still something amiss, and that is when she discovered that a Mammoth mattress was the priceless key in providing her the essential comfortably sound rest she needed to perform her best.
And now she among other famous athletes such as Greg Rutherford & Danny Nobbs, cannot praise Mammoth mattresses enough!
Mammoth mattresses have been clinically researched through numerous case studies induced by Mammoth mattress founder, John Tuton and the company’s sleep study director, Jason Ellis. In their collaborative efforts they implemented an advanced-grade foam into Mammoth mattresses that performs a number of roles in aiding comfortable sleep including: tackling imbalances in circulation, hydration, body heat, and sweat.
A Mammoth mattress works on the premise of the shape and weight of a body only- thus raising the bar for accommodating everything an individual needs to sleep most peacefully.
She provided the media with this statement upon her decision to be an official endorser of the Mammoth mattress company:
“I have a lot of back discomfort and in general I am a bad sleeper. I can’t function or recover without adequate rest and this is vital both off-season and during competition time. Being tired massively affects my training so being able to rely on a premium quality mattress such as Mammoth that improves my sleep quality is essential.”
Backed by extensive clinical research, testing and case studies, Mammoth have received the rating of a Class one Medical device by the (MHRA) Medicine and Healthcare Regulatory Authority. In addition, Mammoth quality is substantiated through numerous affiliates, media outlets, and a rave amount of client testimonials.
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