A child tax credit calculator, which can reduce one’s owed tax, is now detailed in a new Examiner.com article by Grand Rapids Tax Tips Examiner Teresa Smith.
Feb 02, 2015 — A child tax credit calculator is now available for the 2014, 2015 tax season, and is featured in a new article on Examiner.com. This convenient calculator can be used to reduce the amount of tax owed. It can in fact cut a taxpayer’s owed amount by as much as $1,000 per child, according to the article. The article was written by Grand Rapids Tax Tips Examiner, Teresa Smith.
The child tax credit calculator is being used by many taxpayers, according to the author. It helps figure out how much credit to claim and to decide if the user is even qualified to receive the credit. Also explained are two tests to determine whether or not one is qualified. The taxpayer’s relation to the child and citizenship are the two main factors to consider, and explained in more detail in the article, while age, dependency, and income matter as well. http://www.easyincometaxfilingonline.com/tax-credits/child-tax-credit-calculator/
Variations in filing status can also affect eligibility. The variables are somewhat mathematical so the calculator provides an automated solution to speed up the process and make it easier. Also, the article touches on the additional child tax credit. The author explains it briefly so readers get a better feel for what it means and how it may or may not apply to them.
This article and others offer personal finance information and advice. The helpful tips are intended to reduce stress and give people better insight into how to manage their affairs. Little known facts and resources are often brought out into the open so people know more about filing tax returns and making payments when the time comes.
For more information on the child tax credit calculator, go to http://www.examiner.com/article/child-tax-credit-calculator-2013.
About Teresa Smith
Grand Rapids Tax Tips Examiner Teresa Smith provides valuable, up-to-date tax information on blogs and websites across the Internet. Tax refund tips are based on changing tax laws and are intended to help individual taxpayers understand how they are impacted.
Contact Information
Teresa Smith
Claim the Child Tax Credit
945 East 8th Street Suite A
Traverse City, Michigan 49686
Website: www.claimthechildtaxcredit.com/