Fever blister remedies can be a holy grail in those searching for a solution to those sometimes painful and always annoying facial spots. 

Fever blisters, also known as cold sores, are an uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing ailment that can affect any one of us. These painful and awkward facial blisters are symptoms of the Herpes Simple Type 1 Virus (HSV-1). 

It can affect people in many ways but for those that suffer from recurring outbreaks it can lead to depression and isolation leaving fun-loving and outgoing people feeling embarrassed and causing a massive loss of self-confidence. 

If you’ve been searching for fever blister remedies then it may be in your interest to take a look at the popular best selling guide. 

Cold Sore Free Forever 

The guides author Derek Shepton, a perpetual cold sore sufferer himself, has produced a guide he claims can cure fever blisters for life. 

We asked Derek why he felt the urge to create a cure for fever blisters when there are so many medical alternatives out there already. 

David replied: 

I’ve suffered with recurring fever blisters for over 12 years and in that time tried many creams, medicines and ointments, all of which claim to clear cold sores for good. Do you know how many worked for me… none, and all at a fairly substantial cost. 

That’s why I researched and tried many natural fever blister remedies for myself and eventually came up with my own answer to combat my unsightly sores, Cold Sore Free Forever. It works incredibly fast and you can be cold sore free in less than 3 days. 

David continued by telling us how his cure for fever blister remedy has changed his life. 

After finding a natural effective solution for cold sores I felt re-invigorated. I had a new lease of life. I was no longer embarrassed to be seen out in public, my self-esteem has returned and I owe it all to my quest to find the ultimate fever blister treatment. Not only that but I get to help many others in my situation. You can’t put a price on the feeling you get from being self-confident once again.” 

David is obviously passionate about his product and the affects it’s had on his life so we asked the question that is on the lips of other people suffering with fever blisters. 

What exactly is Cold Sore Free Forever? 

David answered: 

It’s an effective all-natural solution to curing cold sores. Not only that but it’s inexpensive compared to over the counter or prescription treatments and medication but, and this is the really amazing part, it should only take up to 3 days to see results… permanently.” 


Cold Sore Free Forever is a downloadable program that’s reported to be very easy to follow. The website has many testimonials to support the claims of it being a truly remarkable permanent solution to recurring fever blisters. 

It does make a bold statement in claiming to be an alternative natural solution that’s better than other lotions and treatments but the great thing is the product is willing to back it’s sales prose up with a 60 day 100% money back guarantee in the unlikely event that you are not happy with the program. 

So in our opinion it’s a shot that’s worth taking and Cold Sore Free Forever may be the final destination in your search for fever blister remedies

For Media Contact:
James H Kuykendall
9200 Good Luck Rd,
Seabrook, MD (Maryland) 20706-3476