James Matthew
Miracle Alternatives, LLC
Phone: 1.870.5581
[email protected]
New Lenox, Il, 10/29/2015 - If you or anyone you know is experiencing Post Mastectomy it can be very painful, painful and includes extreme discomfort.
Here is the good news according to Miracle Alternatives, LLC.
They sell a holistic health machine called the QRS 101 Home System. One 25 minute session alone can leave a woman in which had Mastectomy feeling much better, with less discomfort.
According to Miracle Alternatives, LLC the QRS 101 Home System is a holistic health machine that cane treat, and eradicate unwanted health conditions. Including life threatening health conditions.
Patients from past experience insist that after the use of the QRS 101 Home System not only lessened the pain and discomfort due to Post Mastectomy, but it accelerated the actual healing process at an unbelievable speed.
According to James Mathew, CEO of Miracle Alternatives, LLC, "The QRS Machine not only treats Post Mastectomy but it treats and even eradicates hundreds of other unwanted health conditions.
Here is a partial list of the unwanted health conditions that the QRS 101 Home System can treat with good results;
Pain Relief Alzheimer-s Disease - Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis - Arthritis - Asthma - Atherosclerosis - Bone Healing - Bronchitis - Burns - Cervical Osteoarthritis - Chronic Venous Insufficiency - Dental Problems - Depression - Diabetes - Elbow Pain - Endometriosis/Endometritis - Epilepsy - Eye Disorders - Facial Nerve Neuropathy/Paralysis - Fibromyalgia - Glaucoma - Gynecology - Headache - Hearing Loss - Heart Disease - Herpetic Stomatitis - Hypertension - Insomnia - Kidney Failure/Inflammation/Stones - Knee Pain - Laryngeal Inflammation - Leprosy - Limb Lengthening - Liver/ Hepatitis - Lupus Erythematosus - Lymphadenitis - Mandibular Osteomyelitis - Maxillofacial Disorders - Migraine - Multiple Sclerosis - Muscle Rehabilitation - Muscular Dystrophy - Neck Pain - Nerve Regeneration - Neuropathy - Optic Nerve Atrophy - Osteochondrosis - Osteoporosis - Pain - Pancreatitis - Parkinson-s Disease - Paroxysmal Dyskinesia - Pelvic Pain - Peptic - Duodenal Ulcer - Periodontitis - Peripheral Neuropathy - Pneumonia - Poisoning - Detoxification - Post-Mastectomy - Post-Polio Syndrome - Post-Herpetic Pain - Prostatitis - Pseudoarthrosis - Psoriasis - Rheumatoid Arthritis - Schizophrenia - Seasonal Affective Disorder - Shoulder Pain - Sinusitis - Sleep - Insomnia - Spinal Cord Injury - Stroke - Tendonitis - Tinnitus - Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation - Trophic Ulcer - Tubal Pregnancy - Tuberculosis - Urinary Incontinence - Urinary Inflammation - Trauma - Uterine Myoma - Vasomotor Rhinitis - Vestibular Dysfunction - Whiplash - Wound Healing - osteoporosis - Wrinkles. New research shows amazing results in the treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or (PTSD) - Erectile Dysfunction
For additional information please contact: James Matthew at Miracle Alternatives, LLC by phone (Phone: 1.870.5581),
Fax () or email ([email protected]).
You will also find further information on our web site at
Summary: If you or someone you know of that has had a recent Mastectomy and is in pain or discomfort you or they can visit product web page of the QRS 101 Home System.
About Miracle Alternatives, LLC: Miracle Alternatives, LLC has been in business since 2013.
Legal disclaimer: Miracle Alternatives, LLC.
The success stories are representative outcomes. However, there are no guarantees, promises, representations and/or assurances concerning the level of future results. Furthermore Miracle Alternatives, LLC does not claim and or guarantee the products they sell will prevent or cure any type of sickness, illness, pain, virus and diseases.
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