Dr Zubin Medora, the director of Medora Centre in Singapore, announce that they are currently utilizing the latest technology in the aesthetics industry. This is thru the use of the 15 minute facelift technology, directly coming form the United States. Affirm Multiplex System is a complete anti-aging equipment that has been in active service in the US.
“The use of this system will help us in our services. It is a system that is safe to use and approved by by the FDA in treating various faces and body conditions”, added Dr Medora.
Affirm Multiplex System is very useful and successful in treating various skin problems such as acne scars, wrinkles, deep lines, acne marks, pigmentation, skin ton and clarity and dimininishes the pore size. It’s use is mostly for faces, that is why it is very suitable to use for such function.
“It can also treat stretch marks, loose skin and surgical marks in the body. These are some of the most common problems the clinic is dealing with,” said Dr Medora.
It is really a latest breakthrough in fractional laser technology in which most Asians are likely to use and patronize the product. The demand also will expect to rise while it is in operation.
Singapore is currently becoming a medical hub in Asia, and that brings a good advantage to Medora Centre having this machine, which outpace their competitors.
Dr Medora also explains that his clinic provides various aesthetic and cosmetic treatment for all their client needs. They have great and experienced surgeons performing various operations in the cosmetic industry. All of them are certified and meet the high quality approval of the Ministry of Health. Customer satisfaction is always the main concern of the clinic.
For more information about Medora Centre, visit www.cosmeticsurgeon.sg
Media Contact Information:
Dr Zubin Firdos Medora
Medical Director and Primary Care Doctor
Medora Centre for Medicine and Surgery
Business Mailing Address: #03-08 Camden Medical Centre,
One Orchard Boulevard,
Singapore 248649
Phone: +65 6836 6035
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.cosmeticsurgeon.sg