Woodbridge, NJ — James Law, founder of Mesothelioma Lawyers Advice, announced that he has launched a one-stop informational site and mesothelioma lawyers directory for those with mesothelioma and asbestos-related illness and disease.
“Mesothelioma Lawyers Advice provides the best legal advice and resources for the victims of mesothelioma,” said Law.
Mesothelioma Lawyers Advice provides advice, information and services related to mesothelioma. Fully searchable, individuals can easily find the law firm and attorneys that are closest to their location. For individuals who have received a diagnosis of mesothelioma, an attorney is often the first step toward receiving the compensation they deserve and holding companies accountable.
Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that can be contracted through exposure to asbestos or materials and products containing asbestos. Mesothelioma lawyers may be the only recourse for justice and financial awards. It’s one of the most aggressive cancers, typically affecting the lungs, but in rarer forms it can affect the tissues of the abdomen, heart and testicles.
The disease is especially insidious as it has a latency period, allowing it to strike up to 50 years after an individual has been exposed. Most asbestos exposure was through the workplace, but the cancer-causing material was used extensively in construction projects in shingles, roofing, floor tiles, soundproofing, plaster and paint, insulation, and fire retardants. Mesothelioma lawyers can help determine exposure and represent individuals in their fight for restitution.
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral fiber found in some types of rock and soil formation. Particles of asbestos can become airborne, thereby affecting others at a distance. Naturally occurring asbestos deposits were mined in locations throughout the U.S. fromAlaska and Arizona to California and the Appalachian Trail.
The launch of Mesothelioma Lawyers Advice provides individuals around the world with a comprehensive directory of attorneys that can help people diagnosed with mesothelioma obtain the compensation to which they’re entitled. Mesothelioma cases can be highly complex and complicated. The experienced professionals at Mesothelioma Lawyers Advice can help simplify the process.
Media Contact
Mesothelioma Lawyers Advice
(732) 582 3966
James Law, Founder
[email protected]