The new version of re-focuses information around elements featured in the forthcoming game app, including Beta Testing and voting.
"Step into our Red Lance comic universe," welcomes creator Gary Bloom with the re-launch of this week. The comic start-up's new website has a stronger focus on the forthcoming game app, not just digging into characters, but allowing visitors to vote on the new game's name. "You want to be a superhero, we all do," Bloom jokes, "so we're letting the people help make some decisions!"
Sure, the new plans to allow people to sign up for the Beta on the Games page, vote on heroes and villains to include in the game, and even vote on the title, but does it have the standard comic book stuff? "Well, yeah, you can buy our comic books and t-shirts," chuckles co-owner Shaun Weissman, "we'd love you to get into it there. Thing is, we're adding more fiction stories, too, and we especially want your input on our first game, because, well, we're not building it for just us to play. Okay, sure, I'm looking forward to fighting Cataclysm and his army, but it's not just for us."
Red Lance's debut comic book game app is expected to debut October 10th at the Croton Comicon. "It'd be awesome if you were in the crowd on Columbus Day when we officially launch," Bloom admits, "but it'd be even better if you were a Beta tester, or voted on the game title, right? That's why we put up the Games page, and focused the site more around it."
To learn more about the Red Lance comic book universe, go to and read (and vote). To learn more about the first annual Croton Comic Con, go to today.
Media Contact:
Gary Bloom
[email protected]