London, United Kingdom; 19, December 2016: In a world overpowered by political elements like, "Is Donald Trump's hair real?" it's easy to ignore those attempting to improve this planet. There are billions of people starving, without enough clothing, safe housing and access to fundamental things.

When we consider this, we subsequently consider words like wealth, money, food... We've seen individuals in the in urban areas searching for shelter and any steady work so they can recover their lives.

What we commonly don't consider is their access to the Internet.

SocialBox.Biz a London UK based social venture startup gathering those no longer required portable PCs and tablets from corporate working environments, ensuring they are satisfactorily reused and some re-homed to those in need.

Here are the 10-points of interest rising up out of portable PC Donation:

1. It helps the earth.

It's totally harmful to our planet when PC workstations wind up in landfills. They never totally separate, unsafe liquids can assemble and hurt the earth.

2. It helps resource preservation.

A lot of metals and chemicals go into the generation of laptops, palmtops, tablets, PCs, switches, and servers. Gathering these metals harms the earth. They are a constrained resourced; so reusing them slows down over-using such valuable materials.

3. It underpins Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Reusing laptops, tablets and corporate workstations PCs connects organization's with its local neighbourhood groups. With CSR going up, clients will pay notice and purchase from "green" firms.

4. It saved company's money.

Giving old PCs and Laptops can lower costs giving IT divisions some unexpected boost to their budget.

5. It helps the disadvantaged.

SocialBox.Biz's Laptop computer donation activities ensures that some of these PCs and tablets are re-homed to the ones that need it most.

6. It helps the economy.

Giving disadvantaged people and gatherings assemble access to the Internet will support them to add to the workforce. Without online access its almost impossible to apply for jobs.

7. It helps the unemployed.

SocialBox.Biz laptop donation of business laptops and tablets puts these in the hands of those who need them most.

8. It supports longer term developments

Helping disadvantaged individuals into the work ensures better future and stable employment longer term. The lower the unemployment rate, the better it is for the economy.

9. It helps society overall.

Reusing and giving laptops and tablets helps society. Saving assets, sparing the earth, and bringing disadvantaged individuals out of social exclusion benefits all of society.

10. It helps the local groups.

Allowing more people online will bring groups nearer and closer. Web access enabled essential information to be provided to those in need and prevents Digital Exclusion.

What is Digital Inclusion?

It is access to the online world. Whether it be through a mobile phone, Laptop PC, tablet, or desktop PC, one of these expensive electronic things are required, notwithstanding Internet/WiFi.

SocialBox.Biz as a socially focused venture in London working to resolve this problem and give Digital Inclusion to UK's disadvantaged.

The London-based social enterprise is requesting that organisations and associations consider donating laptops that they do not require anymore

Donation collection boxes

SocialBox.Biz provides donation collection boxes to collect no longer needed but still working laptop PCs, Apple mac laptops, I-phones, I-pads etc and redistribute some of them to disadvantaged individuals. By working local charitable organisations they organise "Laptop Handover events".

To donate old laptops and read more visit: