Attempting to reach people right where they are via an interactive newly launched website and iPhone app a company by the name of VideoDonor seeks to increase awareness for organ donation. The new video sharing website and app serve as a voice for the organ donation community allowing them to express their opinions and real life experiences in hopes of sharing support and aiding connection. Dean Jones, Founder of VideoDonor said recently of the new launch, “There is a dire need to increase the numbers of people willing to donate. So much so that our government is talking about introducing an organ donation opt out system. There has also been talk about putting people who don’t register to the back of the line when in greatest need. Surely this is becoming a crises and what better way to address all these issues than education? That’s what our video sharing site and apps will do.” is a non-profit website created with the use of a free video sharing script called ClipBucket in association with The comprehensive website seeks to raise awareness through real life stories that highlight the importance of donation and hopefully increase the numbers on the NHS Organ Donation Register. The site contains video stories told by living donors as well as those who have received a “gift of life” through organ donation.
Complete with an Editor’s Pick that features some of the most compelling videos the site has to offer this and other features highlight organ donation recipients and related causes that are needful of the most immediate attention. To meet this goal the site managers reach out by way of social media campaigns on networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. Utterly reliant on public donations to fund the expanding operation the non-profit organization is dependent on the willingness of others to contribute. Due to the increasing expense of running a video sharing site Jones would appreciate the partnership of website hosting providers and companies to limit overhead. VideoDonor is in need of a team of volunteers. Having just taken on two bloggers Jones is now looking for an accountant, media director and a website developer.
Working in close partnership with ClipBucket and Jones has also linked arms with various musical artists to generate music videos that encompass different ethnic groups. Most recently Andrew Reid, a popular Jamaican Reggae artist, produced a music video that can be found on The site will continually bring focus to the need for various ethnicities to get involved in organ donation. Created with his own money from his study room in Kent, England Jones said of the video sharing site, “VideoDonor is a labor of love. I was inspired by a family in need campaigning for their son on the organ donation waiting list. I was touched immensely and I immediately signed up. Then I wondered what I could do to help using my own skill and ability. I love web designing, I love project management so the two went hand in hand.”
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Dean Jones